There is huge misleading is going on about Windows 8. Let me enhance your knowledge and focus on brighter side of truth.I have used Windows 8, I can tell you as a consumer or a common user.Have patience and appreciate.
1) People who want Star button.
Q. I want star button, how can I get?
A. Grow up, press window key it has same features. In fact, it’s faster way than start button.
2) People who can’t leave Windows 7
Q. Is there any windows 7 mode?
A. Yes, press windows key and find desktop app.
3) People who can’t resist change.
Q. I don't like Windows 8, what should I do?
A. Again!! Grow Up, learn to accept changes.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. " -Reinhold Niebuhr
4) Dual Boot fanatics, Linux lover.
Q. How can I dual boot?
A. We all know how Linux is, it’s frustrating in compatibility guys!! stop crying. Why you need windows when Linux lover feel "windows 8 as a pain". You are free to get your buttocks out to Linux.
5) People who assume Windows 8 is buggy.
Q. Does Windows 8 have bugs?
A. Bugs is where there is technology. Nobody is perfect. I can ensure you that Windows 8 has lowest bugs than any other OS.
6) Microsoft is killing Linux
Q. Cheap tricks to stop Linux development?
A. When you hate MS products than there is no point in giving negative comments. On contrary you should comment positive about your Linux OS. Ubuntu showed cheapness with Ubuntu 12.10 release slogan 'Avoid the Pain of Windows 8'. Did windows showed such cheapness? Cause windows don’t need to stand on someone else shoulder. People open your eyes and see the truth.
7) Retailers giving negative comments
Q. Why Retailers are giving negative comments??
A. Retailers have power to show the people what they want to show. They want to take advantage of competition in market and change price quotations in accordance of their needs. This is always observed in the market, people with power will try to manipulate as per their own preference.
Thats all for now, hope knowledge is spread.
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