There is huge misleading is going on about Windows 8. Let me enhance your knowledge and focus on brighter side of truth. I have used Windows 8, I can tell you as a consumer or a common user. Have patience and appreciate. 1) People who want Star button. Q . I want star button, how can I get? A . Grow up, press window key it has same features. In fact, it’s faster way than start button. 2) People who can’t leave Windows 7 Q . Is there any windows 7 mode? A . Yes, press windows key and find desktop app. 3) People who can’t resist change. Q . I don't like Windows 8, what should I do? A . Again!! Grow Up, learn to accept changes. " God grant me the serenity to accept the things I c annot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference . " - Reinhold Niebuhr 4) Dual Boot fanatics, Linux lover. Q . How can I dual boot? A . We all k...
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