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Showing posts from May, 2021

Best ways book slots vaccination 18+ 45+ COVID 19

Thoughts/ observations/ to-dos based on what many users and I have seen in CoWin booking 1. Find the pattern of slot allotment timing Hospitals/ centres are adding slots at certain time of the day. You can easily check these timings based on past alerts on the Telegram channels for your city. Stay logged in CoWIN during these times! 2. When you get the Telegram alert, check for the pincode of the centre and use this to search in CoWin. (Pincode search gives a smaller list of centres and hence might be easier to spot and click) 3. If multiple dates are opened, try and book a further date. (I am sure you are aware by now that you are competing with scripts. #Bengaluru ) Booking scripts will always try for the earliest slot by design. So you try the furthermost one 4. If there is availability only for one day, stay on that page and hit search button. Sometimes, the alert first comes for Day 1, after a few minutes, they add slots for the next day in the same centre. So staying on and check...